On April 30, Asian American Studies co-sponsored, with the Center for Korean Studies, an all-day symposium on Korean American and Korean Diaspora Studies. Symposium organizers were Professors Elaine H. Kim of UC Berkeley and Christine Hong of UC Santa Cruz.
Topics include
- War
- Diaspora, and Reunification
- Labor Migration
- Diaspora Community Formations
- Trafficking
- Sex Work
- Neo-liberalism
- Diaspora Cultures.
Discussions were designed to promulgate new ideas for Korean Diaspora Studies and to promote intellectual community among Korean American scholars.
Participants included
- Grace Cho (CUNY)
- Yong-ho Ch’oe (University of Hawaii)
- Jennifer Jihye Chun (UBC)
- Judy Han (postdoctoral fellow, UBC)
- Eleana Kim (University of Rochester)
- Jodi Kim (UC Riverside)
- Kyu Hyun Kim (UC Davis)
- Richard S. Kim (UC Davis)
- Jin Kyong Lee (UC San Diego)
- Yong Soon Min (UC Irvine)
- Seungsook Moon (Vassar College)
- Hye Jung Park (Independent Filmmaker)
- Hyun Ok Park (York University)
- Stephen Sohn (Stanford University)
- Min Hyoung Song (Boston College)
- Ji-yeon Yuh (Northwestern University).
Also participating were
- Steve Lee (English)
- Taeku Lee (Political Science and Law)
- John Lie (Sociology)
- Sarah Song (Law and Political Science) of UC Berkeley.
Undergraduate students from the Korean American and Korean Diaspora Studies were also invited.
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