Photos from our national conference on the Lau v. Nichols decision

By rscc

Lau v. Nichols speakers

Happy New Year!

Thank you for a wonderful 2014. Please click HERE to view photos from our national conference on the Lau v. Nichols Supreme Court decision that  had a profound impact on public education and fundamentally changed the way American public institutions provide services to people with different needs.

There were a host of experts and legal and education leaders that presented at the conference. It was also the first time that all three major players in the decision were gathered in one place to speak about the case and its impact:

J. Stanley Pottinger, Former U.S. Asst. Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice – Civil Rights Division

L. Ling-chi Wang, Asian American Studies/AAADS, University of California, Berkeley

Edward Steinman, Attorney for Lau & Professor, Santa Clara Law, Santa Clara University


The powerpoint from Libia Gil of the US Department of Education will be posted shortly as well. And look out in 2015 for photos from our fundraising dinner in November!