Winston Tseng
Winston Tseng (PhD Sociology, UCSF) is a Research Sociologist and Lecturer of Community Health and Human Development at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health as well as an Assistant Adjunct Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences at UCSF. He currently serves as the co-chair of the Health Workgroup of the UC Asian American & Pacific Islander Policy Multicampus Research Program, a research consultant for the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, and the Chair-Elect of the Community Health and Human Development Section of the American Public Health Aasociation. He is also the lead guest editor for the upcoming Progress in Community Health Partnerships journal special issue on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islander Health to be published in January 2012.
Some of his works include:
A update of a report (Ethnic Health Assessment of AAs and NHPIs in California) in collaboration with APIAHF, published in August 2011:
And a presentation with Wendy Ho (APIAHF) on this Ethnic Health Assessment Report in August 10, 2010 at a briefing in the state capitol:;feature=channel_video_title